Membership is open to those with a degree accredited by the Association for Nutrition and eligible to register, registered or previously registered with the Association for Nutrition or to dietitians registered with the Health Professions Council. Our current membership numbers 60 plus.
A two-tier membership exists:
>>Membership (with meeting attendance): Cost £70.00. For those SENSE members registered with the Association for Nutrition (AfN) as a Registered Nutritionist (RNutr) or as a Registered Associate Nutitionist (ANutr) or registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) as a Dietitian (RD). Equivalent experience of evidence based science will be considered. This enables the SENSE member to attend both meetings free of charge, provides the SENSE member with a copy of the SENSE Register of all SENSE members which contains details of their expertise, skills etc and listing on the SENSE website (Meet the Members’ page).
Please note that the membership year commences on 1 July and terminates on 30 June. The full membership fee is payable even if an individual’s membership commences during the course of the membership year.
Click here to fill in our membership form.