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Tuesday 12th September 2023 (via Zoom)


Welcome and Introductions – Dr Margaret Ashwell, Ashwell Associates and Founder and Chair of SENSE

Translating Personalised Nutrition into Practice – Dr. Leta Pilic

Sweeteners – An Update – Dr. Anna Wittekind

The ins and outs of Linked In – maximising reach and engagement for freelancersLaura Rockett

Introducing the new fact sheets – Kaydee Shepherd (Rates of Pay and Social Media fact sheets); Larysa Owen: (Accountancy and Contracts fact sheets); Octavia Fineman(Tips for Freelancers plus 2 new fact sheets: Health Claims and Natasha’s Law) 

Member’s Spotlight – Laura Wyness Spotlight on: writing her recent book, Eating Well for the Menopause. The why, how, challenges and opportunities of book writing